Wednesday 26 October 2011

Hello Everybody! :-)

Hi there! Thank you for visiting my blog. If you have successfully found your way to my blog, you have probably read one of my stories at I decided to create this blog so that you guys, my fans and readers, can keep updated on what's going on with my latest stories. I plan to post information here about all of my stories, particularly the stories which I am currently in the process of writing, how I feel they are going, when I plan to have them finished, where and when you will be able to read them, that sort of thing. I will also be posting previews and tasters of my new stories here before I post the full stories online, so that you can get an idea of what they are going to be like, and hopefully get you all excited about them ;). So if you would like to keep yourself up to date with all of my latest work, all you need to do is subscribe to this blog feed and you will recieve updates on everything that's going on in the wonderful world of Web Cam :D!
     If you have never read one of my stories before, I should explain that I am an anonymous author who writes fictional adult stories about gay sex and relationships. If this interests you and you would like to take a look at one of my stories, you can read them by visiting my author profile page at agaysex. Thank you again for stopping by my blog and showing an interest! Speak to you soon,

Web Cam. X.x.  :)