Hi again everybody, here I am at home on my laptop, it's early in the morning and I'm having a little think about the week ahead and what I have planned. I have a feeling it's going to be an exciting week in the world of Web Cam because one of the main stories which I have been working on recently is almost finished, hooray! Although there are not too many readers using the blog yet, it is at least set up and ready to go. So, I thought I'd put it to use right away, and give you guys and girls a chance to see how I plan to use it in the future. So basically what I'm going to do here is write up a provisional schedule type plan for the next 7 days, and tell you what I plan to do on each day. Please remember that it is only a plan so any part of it may change at any time, maybe because of a delay or something, you know how these things go :). So anyway, here goes:
- Monday 7th - *Tell you all a little bit about the story, what it's called, what it's about, why I wrote it, who are the characters etc.
- Tuesday 8th - *Blog promotion. *Continue writing of the story itself (not on the blog ;p).
- Wednesday 9th - *Report on how I feel the writing of the story has gone overall, what I found difficult about writing it, what I thought went well with it...
- Thursday 10th - *Break day - even us writers need a rest you know haha. ;)
- Friday 11th - *Post the story cover art. (New!), this story will have a front cover like you would find on a real book with a title, an image etc. *Blog and story promotion. *More story writing.
- Saturday 12th - *Announce the date by which I plan to have the story completely finished, checked, edited and submitted to be posted online! *Announce where you will be able to read it first.
- Sunday 13th - *Post a preview/taster of the new story right here on the blog. Exciting!
So there we have it! That's my plan for the week. Remember, the more people who show an interest in the blog, the easier and more worthwhile it is for me to keep telling you about my work, so anything you can do to spread the word about the blog is greatly appreciated! Tell your friends about it, sign up, subscribe, comment on the blog posts, the stories, internet forums and make as much noise as you possibly can :). It all really does help alot and I'd be very grateful indeed! So anyway, we have an exciting week ahead of us, so I'd better get cracking with my preparation. Thank you very much for reading, thank you for your interest and your support and I'll speak to you soon. I'll look forward to hearing from you!
Web Cam. X.x.