Thursday, 11 October 2012

A Way With Words

My new story "A Way With Words" is now available for you to read online here. I hope you enjoy reading it!


He peered cautiously into the darkness, not knowing what was waiting for him as he slowly began to walk forwards. Bit by bit, features of the upstairs hall of the old eerie house, unveiled themselves to Chris’s eyes and as they did, he walked further into the darkness. It was as if Steven had vanished...Disappeared from the face of the earth. Chris called out.

“Steven!” – Nothing.

“Steven where are you? ... It’s dark, I don’t know where you went!”. – Still no reply.

Chris now began to panic as the walls seemed to close in around him. The darkness getting ever closer. Closing. Gathering around him. His mind got the better of him. He began to hear things, see things, feel things! Chris was suddenly very uncomfortable. He was properly scared. He tried calling out again.

“Steven come on now, this isn’t funny anymore! Just tell me where you are!”

Again no reply returned from the darkness. His head was spinning and he was becoming disorientated quickly. He couldn’t see a thing. He tried to look for the staircase but it wasn’t visible to him.


“Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!” Chris screamed at the top of his voice.

A fantastic burst of unbelievably bright light blasted into Chris’ eyes. He squinted, trying desperately to adjust! What he saw next left him amazed!


To read the full story please click here. Thank you.

Web Cam. X.x.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Friday, 10 February 2012

Calling All Writers 10 on XNXX.

I am currently working on an entry for the latest CAW (Calling All Writers) competition on xnxx. You may remember that my last story "Short Term Relationship" was also written as an entry for a CAW competition. That was for CAW 9, and now CAW 10 is underway so I am giving it a go. The theme is "THE BEST" and I am supposedly writing a gay horror story for my entry, I don't know how successful it will be as I've never written a horror before, but hopefully all will be good and you will enjoy it :). I'm still unsure on what name I am going to give to my story, but I am thinking something along the lines of "Creature of the Night". What do you think?

Of course this does mean that for the time being, the other new stories which I have been working on have been put temporarily on hold, but don't worry, I will pick them up again as soon as my CAW 10 entry has been written. So anyway, I hope you will read my entry once it has been entered into the competition, and hopefully you will like it enough to vote for it in the poll. I will post links and details at a later date here on the blog so that you are up to date. :)

That's all for now, I will be in touch!

Web Cam. X.x.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Current Writing Progress.

So just to give you a quick update on how things are going with the writing of my next story. The story is progressing slowly, I feel that what I have written so far is good and I think that when the story is finished it's going to be a good one. Unfortunately I have other personal commitments currently which is why I am not finding the time to write much. It's difficult to find the motivation to write when there are other things which I need to concentrate on. Also, it seems that current interest in the type of stories which I write is relatively low, and so it probably won't do any harm for the submission of the new story to be delayed anyway. However, I am still writing little bits here and there and the story is still on track to be a good one which I hope you will eventually enjoy reading. That's about all I wanted to say right now, I will keep you updated on any further progression and of course, as soon as it's nearing completion you can expect to see lots more details including a short preview of it right here on the blog at :).

Thank you for your interest,
Web Cam.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Hey everybody, it's now officially 2012! Whatever your plans are for the year ahead, whatever your resolutions are, I hope you have a fantastic year!

I have picked up where I left off with the writing of my next new story and it's going well. I'd like to thank everyone who has read, commented and rated "Short Term Relationship", the feedback has been very positive overall so I'm happy with it and am grateful for your feedback and I'm very happy that you enjoyed the story!

I hope you enjoyed yourself over the festive season and I wish you all the best for 2012. Speak to you soon,
Web Cam. X.x.